Curriculum Our Curriculum The Langham Curriculum has been designed to engage children’s curiosity and promote resilience and independence in learning. We do this every day in every lesson by ensuring children are expected to explore, question and apply key concepts in interesting ways. We want our curriculum to be as vibrant as possible so we make sure that we plan for visits and visitors to enrich and extend children’s experience; provide opportunities for children to showcase their achievements and look for ways we can root their learning in the real world. Our curriculum aims to:-Enable children to gain essential skills, knowledge and vocabulary as they progress through our school, so they leave us well prepared to do well at secondary school.-Engage children’s curiosity and promote resilience and independence in learning.-Provide activities and experiences that are fun, memorable and exciting.-Challenge prejudices and broaden horizons.Curriculum Policy Read Curriculum Policy Children gain the essential skills and knowledge they need through activities and experiences that are fun, memorable and exciting. This means that sometimes children work on projects which encompass a number of national curriculum subjects and sometimes work on blocks of specific subject content. We plan for our delivery of the curriculum in a two year rolling programme which helps to ensure an effective balance between subjects and depth in essential skills. See our KS1 curriculum overview See our KS2 curriculum overview Curriculum Subjects To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the headteacher