
Safeguarding is about keeping children from harm. Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility. Safeguarding is about:

Child protection:

Recognising when children might be at risk and providing the support required to prevent harm from happening.

Internet Safety:

Recognising the risks that our connected world presents and taking steps to make sure children are protected from them.

Safe recruitment:

Making sure that all adults working with children (whether paid or voluntary) have been appropriately vetted and trained.

Positive relationships:

Making sure that children are safe from being bullied or abused by other children.

Andrew MacDonald is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

In his absence, Claire Arter and Liz Deller act as  alternative DSLs.  

Louise-Ray Rouse is the governor with responsibility for safeguarding. 

Finding Support

There are a number of local services you can access to get support for your family. These services are available through the Essex family wellbeing service. 

Are you concerned about a child?

If a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999. 

You can talk to a a social worker for advice or report a concern to them on the Essex County Council